Saturday, August 9, 2008

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Extended Side Angle Pose

Type of pose: Standing

Benefits: Strengthens and stretches the legs, groins, hamstrings. Opens the chest and shoulders.

1. From Downward Facing Dog, bring the right foot forward next to the right hand.

2. Drop the left heel down to the floor.

3. Bend the right knee so the calf and thigh are at a right angle with the thigh parallel to the floor.

4. Bring the right hand inside or outside the right foot and the left arm up toward the ceiling, opening the chest and stacking the left shoulder on top of the right.

5. Bring the gaze up to the right hand.
To keep the body in balance, repeat on the left side.

Beginners: If the right hand does not comfortably reach the floor, take a block under the hand so that you can still open the chest.

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